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Pobeg v naravo – Escape to nature
Narava me je obkrožala dobrih dvajset let, nato sem se preselila razmeroma blizu, v mesto, v Ljubljano. Življenja v bloku se po dolgih letih še nisem navadila, je le slabše, še posebej zaradi zgornjih sosedov. Ko se ob vsakem ropotanju z grozo zazrem v strop, zamižim in si želim, da bi se lahko takoj sprehodila po tem travniku, poslušala čričke, ptičke, šum potoka in dreves ter opazovala kanje na nebu.
I was sorounded by nature for 20 years, then I moved relativley close, to the city, to Ljubljana. After all this years I still did not adjust to living in a block of flats, it is worse, especially because of upper neighbours. Every time there is rumble, I look at the celing and it gives me chills. I wish I could walk on this meadow soon, listen to crickets, birds, sounds of creek and trees and observe common buzzard (buteo buteo) in the sky.
This entry was posted in Izleti, Kar tako, POKRAJINA - Landscape and tagged buteo buteo, city, common buzzard, črički, escape to nature, glasni sosedje, hrup, hrupni sosedje, kanja, Ljubljana, loud neighbours, mesto, narava, nature, Pobeg v naravo, potok, ptiči, ropotanje, Sonce, sosedje, travnik. Bookmark the permalink.