Morski potep – A sea trip

Italijansko mesto Vieste, ki leži na severovzhodu dežele Apulije, je izhodišče za zanimive izlete. Poleg nacionalnega parka gozda - Forresto Umbra, neskončnih oljčnih nasadov, peščenih plaž, obrambnih stolpov in slikovitih mest, je prav edinstven izlet do morskih jam. Od Viest do Manfredonie, ki leži nekaj deset kilometrov južneje, je v apnenčaste klife narava izdolbla na desetine jam, v katere so nas popeljali z barkami, ki sprejmejo do 140 ljudi. A te barke niso običajne, ampak "cabrio", brez strehe, z nanizanimi klopmi v vrstah. Izjemni kapitan je s 30 metrsko barko zapeljal v nekaj jam, kjer je ob straneh do stene manjkalo le nekaj centimetrov. Nepozabno... tokrat v črnobeli. Lp,b Italian city of Vieste, which lies in the northeast region of Apulia, is the starting point for interesting excursions. In addition to the national park forest - Forresto Umbra, endless olive groves, sandy beaches, defense towers and picturesque towns, it is also a unique trip to the sea caves. From Vieste to Manfredonia, which lies some ten kilometers to the south, the limestone cliffs carved by nature to dozens of caves in which they took us with boats that can accommodate up to 140 people. But these boats are not common, but "convertible", without a roof, with threaded benches in rows. Exceptional captain with a 30-foot boat drove into a few caves where the sides of the walls lacked only a few centimeters. Unforgettable ... this time in black and white. BorinaMisicaVieste BorinaMisicaVieste2 BorinaMisicaVieste3 BorinaMisicaVieste4 BorinaMisicaVieste5 BorinaMisicaVieste6 BorinaMisicaVieste7 BorinaMisicaVieste8
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