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Moč morja – The power of the sea
Moč morja je pred tridesetimi leti nasedlo ladjo počasi spreminjalo v razbitino in kup železa. Pred dobrim desetletjem se je je odlomila od rje načeta paluba, kasneje je v morje zgrmel ves bivalno - navigacijski del s krme, letošnja zima pa je bila usodne še za markantni premec z narisano štiriperesno deteljico.
For the past thirty years, the power of the sea has been slowly transforming a stranded ship into a shipwreck. About a decade ago, the rusty deck broke off, later the pilothouse and cabins on the stern crashed into the sea and this year's winter was devastating for the noticeable bow with four leaf clover drawn on it.
This entry was posted in ČrnoBelo - BW, MORJE - The sea and tagged Adriatic sea, cargo ship, cargo ship Michele, Croatia, Dugi otok, Hrvaška, Jadran, ladja, Michele / Osterdeich - IMO 5266427, Moč morja - The power of the sea, morje, nasedla ladja, potopljena barka, razbitina, ship aground, shipw, shipwreck. Bookmark the permalink.